NanoFASE Case study - Removal of Ag and CeO2 NP by a pilot WWTP
We spiked selected Silver and Cerium NPs (50 nm AgNP and ~10-30 nm CeO2 NP) to a pilot waste water treatment plant (WWTP) and determined crucial NP characteristics (e.g., size, chemical speciation) as well as NP removal efficiencies over a period of 86 days.
Release scenario |
Observations |
AgNP are released from consumer products and anti-microbial coatings and enter WWTP via the wastewater stream.
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B. Vriens, A. Voegelin, S. J. Hug, R. Kaegi, L. H. Winkel, A. M. Buser and M. Berg, Quantification of Element Fluxes in Wastewaters: A Nationwide Survey in Switzerland, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51, 10943-10953. |
Ralf Kägi
EAWAG, Switzerland
Alexander Gogos
EAWAG, Switzerland