Richard Cross

Richard Cross


NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

United Kingdom


We asked our early stage researchers to tell us a bit about themselves and the work they will be conducting as part of the NanoFASE project. Richard Cross tells us more about his work in NanoFASE and his research interests in general.

I am an early career researcher working at CEH in the United Kingdom. I am involved in the NanoFASE project in my capacity as a Nano-Ecotoxicologist, keen on studying the link between the exposure, fate and hazard of nanomaterials in the environment. I am involved across work packages in the dissemination of the outcomes from the project - specifically in developing NanoFASE’s Environmentally-focused update / expansion on the PROSAFE White Paper that will be a major reference piece.

Scientifically I have experience in batch testing the fate of nanomaterials in saturated porous media, bioaccumulation studies in model aquatic species (Daphnia, Lumbriculus etc.) and the characterization of metal and polymer nanomaterials using a range of spectroscopy and spectrometry techniques.

Prior to working at CEH I completed my doctoral research at the University of Exeter, focusing on the routes of uptake and potential for bioaccumulation of engineered nanomaterials in aquatic environments. If we go even further back, I am the son of vegetable farmers in rural England, so I suppose my working in the environmental sciences shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise.

Out of the lab and away from the desk, I play instruments (moderately), sing (moderately) and dance (badly).